Rich Consulting LLC

Accident Reconstruction Consulting & Training

office (234) 201-7676
fax (234) 678-0246


RC Monte Carlo is an Excel application that speeds the production of Excel spreadsheets designed to utilize Monte Carlo simulation.

ACTAR Scenario-Based Question Online Workbook. This online workbook provides the ACTAR exam candidate 7 scenario-based questions with solutions that may be viewed online. Although this is NOT an online ACTAR Prep course, each set of questions have a Discussion Forum where users may post questions a receive answers from ACTAR accredited ACTAR Prep Course instructors. The cost for 30-days of access is $149, which is more than enough time to complete all of the questions. Additional weeks may be purchased for $24.99/week.

ACTAR Practical Test Online Workbook. This online workbook provides three crashes to practice obtaining approach angles, departure angles and departure distances. All three crashes were simulated in Virtual Crash 5. Each crash includes a scale diagram in Imperial and metric, vehicle specifications in Imperial and metric, a problem statement with evidence locations in Imperial and metric and an answer key in Imperial and metric. The cost for 30 days of access is $149. Additional weeks may be purchased for $24.99/week. All crashes may be downloaded at once. There is no need to complete one crash before you may obtain the material for the next crash.

RC Monte Carlo (TM)


ACTAR Scenario-Based Questions Online Workbook

ACTAR Practical Test Online Workbook